11 weeks old!
Silly Boy!
Bath's are so relaxing!
This week we noticed only in pictures,Baylor's front hairline looks like it has a strawberry tent. We think it's so funny bc in person his hair looks dark brunette. When his dad grows facial hair it has a little bit of a strawberry tent so we guess that is where it's coming from.
Pretty eyes!
Happy Baby!
He loves his hands!
One of his many sweet faces!
I got an extra day with Baylor this weekend. This Momma started getting sick (sinus inf/upper resp inf) so I kept Baylor at home with me. Even though I felt pretty bad I loved being home with my Little Man an extra day. The rest of the weekend we spent sleeping in, lots of snuggling, playing, and napping. Those are favorite kind of weekends as a family of 3!
What are you up to Baylor?!
You love playing in Mommy and Daddy's bed in the mornings & evenings (we love it too). You love your hands. You always have them around your face. You make the sweetest faces ( wrinkled forehead face, pouty lip, etc...), You started kicking your legs up towards your chest. Your gonna be reaching for them soon. Your favorite thing is still bath time. We find you in the mornings on the opposite end of your crib. We still haven't figured out how your doing it. You roll from your back to your side a lot before going to sleep at night.