Thursday, March 25, 2010

One Year Ago!

The Big Sis-to-Be!

The Big Brother-to-Be!
Our Miracle!!!

One year ago today after many, many prayers, medications, treatments, and tears Jonathan and I found out we were expecting our miracle. It was the best day of our lives (until the day our sweet Baylor was born :). I can remember that day like it was yesterday ( and the day before when I took a test, but thought it was a false positive bc I let it go over the time limit). We are so incredibly blessed and are so undeserving of this PERFECT baby that God has blessed us with.

I pray that all couple's who have the desire in their heart to become parents can one day have that desire filled. A friend of mine who also went to ART and has boy/girl twins once told me "The desire you have in your heart to be a mother is not a mistake. That desire was put there by God." I often had to remind myself that month after month. I knew that what we were going through and what my body was going through was all for the Glory of God. God is Good!!!

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