Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Saturday Visit!

Nana and Papa came in town yesterday to visit. We sat around the house a little while then went to dinner. Here a few pictures from their visit!

Bay with his paci balloon!

Bay with Nana and Papa!

Someone is getting sleepy...

Hope everyone had a great weekend. We're getting ready to start a new week around here. Hoping it doesn't include a doctor's visit. Baylor has been fussy all weekend and not sleeping well. He also has a cough and runny nose. Hoping it doesn't get worse than a little cold. Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Hope he stays well too! Simms was tested for strep this week (neg but they still treated her for it). There is nothing like that dread of, "oh no..i think she's getting sick!" good luck!