Sunday, May 31, 2009

13 Weeks and The Second Trimester!

My pregnancy journal says the baby is measuring about 3 inches and weighing around 1 ounce. Baby Cox looks a bit like a miniature, a very miniature-newborn. The little body is fully formed, though the head is still disproportionately large. The kidneys and urinary tract are fully functioning this week: Baby Cox can swallow and expel amniotic fluid. Most of the critical development of the organs and body systems is complete; the likelihood of a miscarriage decreases significantly from this point on. One tiny detail is also complete- the baby even has fingerprints.

As for me I'm feeling pretty good. I had a very long week at work and I'm glad it's over. Jonathan and I are headed back to the doctor tomorrow morning for our NT scan. We are going to get a gender guess. I hope it's a very clear shot so we know for sure what we are having. I know it's very early and most people don't find out til later, but if they feel like they are sure they will tell you. After our appt we are heading to Birmingham for Jonathan's uncle's funeral. He passed away Saturday morning after his battle with cancer. My heart breaks for their family right now. It hasn't been 2 months since my dad passed away and I know how hard losing your father can be at such a early age. Please keep the Watson Family in your prayers as they need strength, comfort, peace, and understanding as they go through this.

I will try my best to post our ultrasound pictures tomorrow night and post the gender (if we know).

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