Saturday, May 2, 2009

9 Weeks!

I can't believe I'm starting my 3rd month of pregnancy today! I have to say I might be feeling a little better. I think I'm more tired, but the nausea did not last all day today. I hope this comment does not come back to bite me:) I am still taking both my meds. I'm not even going to think about giving them up right now. I've been getting frequent headaches which could be from the pregnancy or the zofran as it is a side effect. My tummy is still changing shapes and I'm very bloated at times. I guess that is all my "pregnancy symptoms" for now. I'm trying to post them on here or in my pregnancy journal so I can look back at all the stages of my pregnancy.

Tonight Jonathan and I wanted to get out of the house so we went to look at Baby "gear". I've been looking online some at strollers, highchairs, and the basic things. It was a lot more fun looking at the stuff in the stores. I know it will be even better once we know what we are having. Boy or Girl?!?!

Now it's time for a little development update on Baby Cox. The baby is now about 1 to 1-1/4 inches long and will begin to gain weight at a quicker pace. The eyes are now covered by full eyelids (which won't open until around 28 weeks), and the pupils and optic nerve are developing. Other facial features-nose, lips, and mouth are also becoming more defined. The baby can now move his/her arms, legs, hands, and feet better since all of the joints work and the muscles can contract. Most of the time he/she just prefers to stay curled up.

We are looking forward to our appointment on Wednesday. I know it's going to be bittersweet having our last appt at ART. Exciting because our pregnancy is moving along just as it should, but sad because these people become part of your family. You see them so much and go through some of the most emotional times in your life with them. They have been such a great support not only for our infertility,but even dealing with the loss of father. Jonathan and I will definitely be back to introduce Baby Cox to them. I will post an update on Wednesday (if not before then) afternoon and of course post new pictures.

Please continue to pray for my family as we are still trying to cope with the loss of my father. It is so strange the range of emotions you go through when you lose someone so close to you. Especially when it happens so fast. Even though we knew he was sick. It was very unexpected at the time. Please pray for strength and comfort for all of us.


Erika said...

I'm new to your blog. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. I too lost my dad to cancer almost 2 years ago now. We were told he was cancer free and 2 weeks later told it was fatal. A month later he was gone. So I can imagine what life is like for you right now. I know the numb feeling. I'll be praying for your family to be at peace.

On another note, congratulations on your pregnancy! That is absolutely thrilling!

Anonymous said...

Oi. Parabéns pelo excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração