This is what was waiting on the Daddy-to-Be!
Future Big Brother
Future Big Sister!
The Parent's-to-Be!
That's right. I'm PREGNANT!!!!! Jonathan and I have waited over 2 years for this miracle and we are so excited that The Lord has blessed us with this incredible gift. We found out last week. On last Tuesday morning I did my usual pregnancy test I do each month if I have some lying around the house not expecting anything, but a big fat negative, but to my surprise it had a light line. I did not believe it so I went on with my day thinking nothing about it. Wednesday morning I get up for work and take my only other test I have and another light pink line pops up! I totally could not believe it. I went to work then around 8:30 left to pick up some First Response test from Rite Aid. I took one right away and it was POSITIVE too. I could not believe what I was seeing. I called ART right then. I went and got my blood drawn an hour later and got the results that afternoon. My HCG was 49 and Progesterone was 14. Next thing was to figure out how to tell the Daddy to Be! I've had these monogrammed bandanna's for the dog's that said Future Big Brother and Future Big Sister for well over a year so I knew I was going to use them. I went and had a banner made for our mantel that said Congratulations Daddy. Then got some pink and blue balloons, and a cute picture frame from Storkland that says Daddy and Me on it. I had the video camera going as soon as he walked in the house. It was such an awesome moment because he never expected it to happen.
I went back to the doctor today for my 2nd blood draw and my HCG level went from 49 to 780.6 and my P4 went from 14 to 33.6. I decided I could not keep it a secret anymore. Jonathan and I go back in one week for our first Ultrasound. I promise to take lots of pictures.
As everyone knows Jonathan and I have really struggled at times with our infertility, but we would not take back a thing that has happend. Without ART I would not have been diagnosed with PCOS and taking daily meds for it. I would not have known I had a polyp and had it removed. My body would not have been regulated if not for all the fertility drugs. I could go on and on at how much ART has done for us even though our Miracle was conceived on a "natural" cycle.
Now let me post some pictures. More updates to come soon!