Thursday, August 21, 2008

They are Growing!

Well my first stim appointment was a good one! They counted 14 growing follicles on my right ovary and 7 (possible a couple more) on my left ovary. Last week I had 8 on my left and 12 on my right so they have changed a little, but at least we are up one more! I got my estrogen level this afternoon and it was 567.7 and my progesterone was 0.8. I know these numbers probably mean nothing to y'all, but to show you how things have changed last week my estrogen was only 69 a week ago.

We will have an appointment a day earlier than we expected. It will be Saturday morning. We will find out then if we have to go back Sunday for another appointment or if it will be Monday. Jonathan and I are planning on going to Birmingham after work tomorrow. His parent's are going to Memphis for the weekend, but at least we have somewhere to stay. I can find things to keep us busy=)

Please continue to pray that my body responds to the medication the way it should.
Please pray that I have several MATURE follicles that will be retrieved next week.
Please continue to pray for the Lord's strength and Peace to get us through this.

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