Wednesday, October 21, 2009

33 Week OB Appointment!

I'm sorry I'm just now posting about my appt yesterday, but it ended up a lot different than we expected. Let me start from the beginning. When we got there we had to wait a little while so of course I was going back and forth to the bathroom (lovely bladder). One trip back I ran into Dr. D we spoke and I headed back up front. When they called us back they didn't have an exam room open yet, but got us to sit in the back and they went ahead and checked my blood pressure and asked me the usual questions. One of the things they always ask is "have you felt the baby move a lot?" I told the nurse that I had felt him, but over the last 24 hours it seems like it was not as often as usual. She told me they would hook me up to the monitors for a little while and see how he's doing. Once we got in the room they hooked me up his heartbeat was great. He still only moved like once, but they were not concerned. His heart sounded good. When Dr. D came in he said well he looks good on the monitor, but I heard your BP is horrible. I had no clue sometimes they tell you what it is, or they will check it again so I know it's high, or I ask. This time the nurse didn't tell me and I didn't ask. He said it was 151/95. That was the highest reading I've had. Dr. D also said the first thing he noticed when we spoke in the hall earlier was that my face looked "puffy." Then he looked at the machine and said your also having contractions. I think you need to be in the hospital. I said, "no you don't." I seriously did not believe him, but he wasn't joking. He wanted me to go over to be monitored, get an ultrasound of Baylor, and do a 24 hour urine collection on me to check from protein. I did have a trace of protein in my urine at the office and he just wanted to make sure I was not getting toxemia (pre-eclampsia). He felt like like all of my symptoms came on fast and it would make both him and I feel better if I was in the hospital and not at home worrying. Of course after this I started having more contractions. These were obviously brought on by stress. He also said he thinks Baylor is moving more than I'm feeling, but bc of my contractions and the hardening of the uterus I am just not feeling him as much. I felt good about Baylor and was pretty sure he was going to be fine. I then asked Dr. D if I could run home first and he said I could. We headed home packed some things (I know we should have already had one packed) and headed up to East.

After 26 1/2 hours later. I'm home. My BP is back down. The swelling in my face and hands I still have, but the swelling in my legs and feet has gone down a lot. My 24 hour did not show protein. The ultrasound showed a VERY active little boy moving around. He is now weighing around 5lb 1 oz. The tech confirmed how low his head is and showed us his head of hair. It was so good to "see" him again. He has grown so much since we saw him at 28 weeks. I am now suppose to be in bed, but I can get out of the house once a day if I want to go to dinner or go do something. I have my weekly appt with him on Tuesday and we will see what happens then. Baylor was also measuring 34 weeks at the office Tuesday when they measured me. If he can just hold off a couple more weeks I think he will be just fine.

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. They mean so much to Jonathan and I. It was so weird to think as I was being wheeled out today that the next time I'm being wheeled out we will have our sweet little boy!

1 comment:

The Cobbs said...

I've been praying for you guys! I'm glad everything is ok! I hope you have your bags packed for next time! ;)